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On Friday, Reginae Carter took to Instagram Live to answer some questions from a few of her followers, and the conversation quickly turned towards her dating preferences, and who her mother could see her dating next.
While on the live, Reginae was asked if she could see herself dating anyone younger than her. After repeatedly saying “No,” she laughed and added, “You lil boys is annoying…ya’ll play too much, no…Ewww, gross.”
Reginae’s mother, Toya Johnson then joined her on the live, where she offered to hook her daughter up with a blind date.
“I met this perfect gentleman at church,” said Toya. “He would be like the perfect candidate, he have no kids, he’s very respectful, he has a really, really, really good job. It’s all of the things that would be perfect for you.”
Reginae quickly let her mama know that although that is amazing, she doesn’t need a blind date.
At some point during the live, rapper Fredo Bang was in the comments. After Reginae let her mom know that Fredo is a rapper, Toya quickly said,
“Rapper? No…go away! If you’re a rapper and you’re on this live, and ya think that she about to be with you, you gotta come see me first and it’s a negative.”
As many of you know, Reginae dated rapper YFN Lucci for a while before calling it quits. Lucci is currently in jail facing a murder charge.
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In the end, Toya shared that she could see Reginae dating either an actor or a football player.
“First of all, now that I see you’re becoming whole because you know, you have to be whole before you could be anybody’s half,” said Toya. “But now that you’re completely becoming whole, and you are back to Reginae, and you are working and you are getting back to yourself you can date, but just don’t date no rappers. I can see you with an actor, or like maybe a football player or something, but they gotta be like the Russell [Wilson] type.”
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94
The post Reginae Carter Speaks About Her Dating Preferences With Her Mom On Instagram Live appeared first on The Shade Room.
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